Amit Kohn is an Associate Professor at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Tel Aviv University since last October. Amit’s research projects are in the field of magnetic and electronic materials used for information storage devices. The contribution of the research is to relate between structure and composition of these materials to the magneto-transport properties of the devices. The objective is therefore to improve on, or design new so-called ‘spin-electronic’ devices.
Structural and chemical characterization is mostly achieved by analytical transmission electron microscopy, which probes the properties of the materials at the nanoscale and up to the atomic level. In addition, Amit applies and develops Lorentz electron microscopy and electron holography in order to image magnetic and electrostatic fields in materials and devices at the nanometre scale.
Prof. Kohn holds a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering from the Technion – I. I. T.. He was a Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow at the Materials Department, University of Oxford followed by a faculty position at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.